1. Échantillonnage dans la recherche qualitative
- Lorraine Savoie-Zajc (2006), "Comment peut-on construire un échantillonnage scientifiquement valide?", Recherches qualitatives, 5, pp. 99-11
- Qualitative Research Guidelines Project - Sampling, RWJF 2008
- A Guide to Using Qualitative Research Methodology, MSF Field Research 2007 [p. 9 et 10]
2. Récolte des données en recherche qualitative
2.1 Choix de la méthode
- Creswell J. W. Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches, 4rd edition. SAGE Publications, 2018 (extrait)
- Reeves S. et al. Why use theories in qualitative research? ;BMJ 2008;337:a949
- Wertz FJ., editor. Five ways of doing qualitative analysis: phenomenological psychology, grounded theory, discourse analysis, narrative research, and intuitive inquiry. Guilford Press 2011 (extrait et reviews)

2.2 Entretien individuel de recherche:
- Blanchet, A. & Gotman, A. L’entretien (2e éd.). Armand Colin, 2013
- Blanchet, A. Dire et faire dire: l’entretien. Paris : Armand Colin, 2015
- Boutin G., L’entretien de recherche qualitatif, Presses de l’Université du Quebec, 2018
- DiCicco-Bloom B. & F Crabtree B.F., The qualitative research interview. Medical Education 2006;40:314–321
- Exemple pratique d’entretien semi-structuré: Schweizer A. et al. Integrating sexuality into gynaecological consultations: gynaecologists' perspectives, Culture, Health & Sexuality 2013, 15(2): 175-190
2.3 Entretiens en groupe ou focus group:
- Kitzinger J. Qualitative Research: Introducing focus groups, BMJ 1995;311:299-302
- Qualitative Research Guidelines Project – Focus groups. RWJF, Cohen D, Crabtree B., 2006
- Morgan, D. L. The focus group guidebook. Sage Publications Ltd, 1998 (contenu)
- Krueger, R., & Casey, M. Focus groups: A practical guide for applied research (4e éd.). Sage Publications Ltd. 2009
- Exemple pratique: Lauvergeon S. et al. Convergences and divergences of diabetic patients’and healthcare professionals’ opinions of care: a qualitative study. Health Expectations 2012,18:111–123
2.4 Observations:
- Finkler, K. et al. What Is Going on?: Ethnography in Hospital Spaces. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 2008, 37(2), 246-250.
- Mays N. & Pope C. Qualitative research: Observational methods in health care settings BMJ. 1995; 311(6998): 182–184.
- Reeves, S. et al. Qualitative research methodologies: ethnography. BMJ 2008; 337:a1020-a1020
- Savage J. Ethnography and health care. BMJ 2000;321:1400
- Wind, G. Negotiated interactive observation: Doing fieldwork in hospital settings Anthropology & Medicine 2008;2:79-89
- Wolfinger N.H. On writing fieldnotes: collection strategies and background expectancies. Qualitative Research 2002;2:85-95