Evaluation of the Sortir Ensemble et Se Respecter/Herzsprung – Freundschaft, Liebe und Sexualität ohne Gewalt Programme: Key Findings


The programme to prevent violence among young couples Sortir ensemble et se respecter (SE&SR) and its counterpart in German-speaking Switzerland Herzsprung – Freundschaft, Liebe und Sexualität ohne Gewalt (Herzsprung) are based on Safe Dates, a programme developed and implemented in the United States during the 1990s. An evaluation of the US programme found that it had a positive impact on the behaviour of the target group. Targeted at adolescents and designed to prevent and stop dating violence and improve interpersonal skills, Herzsprung and SE&SR are made up of a series of sessions which are led by two specially trained facilitators and seek to encourage participants to interact on and discuss a range of dating-related issues.