Summer School: Health equity in chaotic times
This Summer School offers a global analysis of health equity organised in lectures, practical workshops and group activities. It provides a theoretical basis and an in-depth reflection on health equity’s main issues through concrete and up-to-date data concerning social determinants of health, migration, discrimination against minorities, inmate populations and -of course- infectious threats.

- Description
- Programme
- Modalités
- Intervenants
- Contact
Santé publique
Doctoral and Master’s students, particularly in the fields of health and public health, social and political sciences and social work
Doctoral and Master’s students in the faculties of Law, Economics and International relations
Health, public health and global health professionals
The summer school intend to:
- Give the students the theoretical foundations of the concept of health equity
- Provide participants with an in-depth reflection on key health equity issues
- Motivate students to develop their own health equity research project
- Allow exchanges with influential and recognized professors of the field
Conditions de participation
Your application should include:
- A CV, with your academic records
- A motivation letter
When your application is complete, please click the checkbox under “Application status” on the course registration page and change it to “Submitted”. It will be reviewed and we will confirm the successful pre-registration as soon as possible.
CHF 400.-
CHF 500.- (Professionals)
CHF 300.- (Online participation)
Tuition fees include:
- Coffee breaks
- An opening and closing dinner
- A visit to low-threshold structures
Please note that accommodation is not covered by the fees.
Organised by Prof. Patrick Bodenmann and Dr Kevin Morisod from the University of Lausanne, the summer school will have the pleasure to welcome the following speakers:
- Prof. Vincent Barras, University of Lausanne/CHUV
- Dr Raphael Bize, University of Lausanne/Unisanté
- Prof. Patrick Bodenmann, University of Lausanne/Unisanté
- Prof. Uršula Čebron, University of Lubjana
- Prof. Carole Claire, University of Lausanne/Unisanté
- Denise Efionayi-Mäder, University of Neuchâtel
- Prof. Yves Jackson, University of Geneva/HUG
- Prof. Joachim Marti, University of Lausanne/Unisanté
- Dr Kevin Morisod, University of Lausanne/Unisanté
- Prof. David Napier, University College London
- Dre Joëlle Schwarz, University of Lausanne/Unisanté
- Dre Anna-Maria Volkmann, University College London
Guest experts
- Dre Jessica Allen, Institute of Health Equity
- Dre Tamara Giles-Vernick, Institut Pasteur
- Dre Véronique Grazioli, University of Lausanne/Unisanté
- Serge Houmard, OFSP
- Prof. Sir Michael Marmot, University College London/Institute of Health Equity
- Dre Stéphanie Monod, DGS Vaud
- Dre Erika Placella, DDC
- Dr Ahmad Reza Hosseinpoor, World Health Organization
- Dre Erika Volkmar, Agnodice Foundation
- Dre Nicole Valentine, World Health Organization
*The list is still subject to changes. The speakers will be confirmed as soon as possible
Summer Schools
International Relations Office
University of Lausanne
Château de Dorigny
1015 Lausanne